Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Liebster Award

I got one of these last week, courtesy of one of my favorite people in the world.  Thanks Mom!  The idea around it is to award some not-so-well-known bloggers a chance to get some visibility they otherwise wouldn't have received.  I fit this category.  Not only am I new to the scene, but I'm also not connected to social media.  I don't have a Twitter account.  I jumped a ton of hoops to get out of Facebook.  I don't have Linkedin or MySpace or pay much attention to Google Plus.  It's not that I condone these sites, I just A.) Don't have time, and B.) will waste a lot of time if I am connected.  My internet time has shrunk dramatically since I graduated from college, and for that, I'm grateful, because there are quite a few addictions I have (tonight is the end of one we have been obsessing over for the past few months) and combined with work stuff and life stuff, I have plenty to do.

But I have been putting off this post, because when you receive this award (which I'm so happy to get!), you need to award five blogs of your own that are in the same position (less than 200 readers or new to the blogosphere).  The thing is, I don't read all that many blogs, and the blogs I do read have quite a few readers.  They are wonderful blogs, and they give me a lot of inspiration not only in my writing, but in my daily life.  So since this is my blog, and I get to do whatever I want, I'm going to share these blogs with you.  These are the superstars of the cooking community, the amazing writers with some amazing lives.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Smitten Kitchen: A woman who lives in Manhattan with her husband and son, and is finishing a cookbook (which I will for sure pre-order a copy as soon as it is available to do so).  She makes all kinds of decadent desserts and isn't afraid of butter.  Her recipes are tried and tested and I feel confident when I make something from her site, because I know she has tried it, and tried 47 different variations.  I used one of her recipes to create the richest, heaviest cake I've ever had for a friend's birthday last year (peanut butter chocolate).  We still talk about it.  I've been reading her site for years.  It's a keeper.

101 Cookbooks: A rustic (but beautiful!) blog, filled with photos, vegetarian recipes, and incredible adventures, many of which are in my town.  I find that I usually adapt a lot of her recipes to fit my budget, or to add meat.  She does make it easy to use your own variations.

Orangette: I haven't been a long time subscriber, but I have read her book and loved it.  I like how she can incorporate deep memories with a really simple food that brings her back.  Photos are fun.  Many years of writing to read.

Eating From the Ground Up: I'm also a fairly new reader, but I like her stuff.  I feel somewhat connected to her since she lives in Western Massachusetts, near this crazy place where I spent a month teacher training.  I always felt that this area was really pure, really clean, and really open.  And it makes sense, since what this writer does is make lots of things from scratch that you'd normally buy from the grocery store, but the thing is, the scratch part isn't as hard as I would expect.  Posts are very regular.

Joy the Baker:  I've only read two posts of hers, but was immediately drawn in.  I had heard of this woman before, but never really checked out any of her stuff until I found this post on the front page of my Zite app a few weeks ago, and was pretty amazed.  Really good writing.  I feel like nothing is jarred as I'm reading, and we're just having a conversation.  About stuff.  And then the food comes in.  Root Beer Float Cake.  Rocky Road Brownies.  A Peanut Butter Bacon cookie?  I'm down.



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